
Pilot operation of the e-Navigator

The presentation and pilot tour of the boat e-Navigator took place on Sunday 01.10.2023, at the harbour of Ancient Epidaurus.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, the Institute for Language and Speech Processing/ Athena RC, the company Polatidis MARINE, and the Municipality of Ancient Epidaurus.

Από την πιλοτική λειτουργία του σκάφους e-Πλοηγού
From the pilot mode of the e-Navigator vessel
Από την πιλοτική λειτουργία του σκάφους e-Πλοηγού
From the pilot mode of the e-Navigator vessel
Από την παρουσίαση του σκάφους e-Πλοηγού
From the presentation of the e-Navigator boat
Από την παρουσίαση του σκάφους e-Πλοηγού
From the presentation of the e-Navigator boat

Tour experience evaluation questionnaire

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